Quality Christian Care
for Your Child
Infant through Kindergarten
Full & Part-Time
School-Year Program
24205 SE Issaquah Fall City Rd
Issaquah, WA 98029
(located at Eastridge Church)
Contact Us
Phone: 425-270-6328
Email: eclcoffice@eastridgetoday.com
About the Learning Center
6-Weeks through Kindergarten
The Christian Learning Center is an extension of Eastridge Church, a place where families like yours gather to worship God, grow in their faith, and serve others. Our mission is to partner with you as the parent or guardian to give your child a meaningful and rich childcare experience. We are committed to giving children a safe and loving environment where they can learn and grow in all areas of their lives.
Prospective Parents
Where to start your child’s education is one of the most important decisions that you’ll make in your child’s early years and deserves great consideration. It’s important to find a program that is the right fit for your child and your family; one that meets the principles important to you.

At the Childcare & Learning Center, we believe that it is by designing an enriching classroom environment, making available guidance, stimulating materials and motivating curriculum that the foundations for development can be provided. Children learn best through playful interactions with their environment and engaging activities. It is the teacher’s role to facilitate, plan, watch, listen, model, question, extend, observe and help children make the connection to both materials and the other children with whom they share these experiences.
To register, email the office or call to make an appointment (425-270-6328). To reserve a place for your child in our school a non-refundable registration fee must accompany your child’s registration form.
Registration Fees
One Student: $300
Two Students: $550
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Contact Us Today!
Phone: 425-270-6328
Email: eclcoffice@eastridgetoday.com